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Sherwood Elementary PSO
C/O Sherwood Elementary
22901 106th Ave W
Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425-431-3524
Email: sherwoodpso@gmail.com
School Hours: 9:20 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Half-Days: 9:20 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. -
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13th Annual Sherwood Walkathon!!!
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Welcome To The 22/23 School Year Sherwood!
After two and a half years of very little in-person parent/guardian involvement on the Sherwood school campus, the PSO is so excited to welcome back all of our families and start to build back up the amazing, strong, and supportive community at Sherwood, in person!
There is so much that the Sherwood PSO (Parent Staff Organization) does throughout the school year that it can feel a little overwhelming and hard to stay in the know if you don’t know where to look. Here are some of the basics and resources to get you started:
What is the Sherwood PSO?
The Sherwood PSO (Parent-Staff Organization) is a non-profit 501c3 that is made up of EVERY parent, guardian, invested community resident, and staff member at Sherwood Elementary. The goal of the PSO is to help support the school’s learning environment by funding various enrichment opportunities for all students and staff, as well as organize and run events to help build a strong and supportive Sherwood community.
Class Parents
Do you know that each class will have an assigned “Class Parent”?! This parent will help disperse information that is directly relevant for each class, as well as help coordinate any class specific needs and/or events. This role can take on many different forms, however they are a key part of communication between the PSO, staff, and families. If you are interested in serving as your student’s class parent please email katie@sherwoodpso.com
PSO meetings
Please join us for our quarterly general PSO meetings. These meetings are open to all PSO members (which means YOU!). Dates will be published in upcoming PSO newsletters.
Also, the PSO board can be reached at anytime at sherwoodpso@gmail.com
Connect with us!
Sign up for our monthly PSO newsletter, join our Sherwood PSO Facebook group, and follow the school’s official twitter feed.
Family buddy system
Are you new to Sherwood? Have you been at Sherwood but would like to help a new family? Please consider joining our Sherwood family buddy system! Fill out this form and we will partner you with another family within our school. New and returning families welcome!

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2022-2023 School Supply List
Thinking about the fall already?! You can start planning with Sherwood’s 2022-2023 supply list! Please send the supplies indicated for your child’s grade level on the first day of school.

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Finish Line Fundraiser!

More information about your popcorn order can be found HERE! We can’t wait to ADD to our existing playground to have more play options for our students at recess!
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*The Sherwood Spirit Gear orders are now closed. There will be another order open in the spring 2022*
The second Sherwood Spirit Gear order is open until Sunday, November 14th. Show your Sherwood spirit with a tie-dye t-shirt, sweatpants and/or hooded sweatshirt! Check it out! Go Eagles!

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Walk-a-thon Going on NOW!
The Walkathon is Sherwood’s biggest fundraiser of the year. The money raised provides funds for extra projects and activities that enrich our students’ experiences. It’s also an important community building event for our school that students look forward to every year. Check out the details of this fun event at the link below!

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